Monday, September 12, 2011

24 hours of theater.

OK... So...... this is gonna be a short blog. Because I REFUSE to go into too much detail about this. If you want to know the full details just text me, haha depending on who you are I may not tell you.

Well my friend James and I signed up for this 24 hour theater thing. Basically what that is is a group of actors/writers/directors sign up, and then meet on a Friday, and then they're put into groups (7 in this case). One writer, one director and the number of actors varied... It was mostly just under 10 people. Then the actors/directors/writers go home! The writers stay up all night and at 6 am turn in a short scene they typed up. Roughly 10 minutes long! Then actors and directors show up, read the script and get to work! The shows are put on that night! So me and James were (completely randomly) put into a group together! The rehearsals happened, and the show went great! Like I said I'm not gonna go into detail unless you ask me over text or phone call or in person or whatever.
.....I'll just say that I'm exceptionally happy that it's over and that I never have to do that particular scene again!

College is going great and homework is not too bad!!
Peace and Love!