Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ignore my lack of hygiene...

OK! So in my boredom of summer (at times) I decided to spontaneously try making this workout DIY t-shirt I saw on Pinterest. Here's my progress :))))) (extra chins.. I haven't ran in a while?) So when I first started I was like "Oh I'll get a picture of me with the shirt!!" But then I just ended up with a bunch of awkward shots.
This one was the winner of awkward. It's purdy obvious why. After that I just gave up and decided to just get a shot of the shirt. I considered "A night across the universe being crafty" as the title of this post mainly cause.. I'm being crafty. While watching Across the Universe. Clever right? But since I haven't showered, brushed my hair, done my make up, AND am currently watching shark week (girls MIGHT get that..) the title became what it is. Here's the shiiirt.
And here's a demo of my lack of hygiene :)))
So basically here's a preview of the process!
After some picking and some stretching I finished it!!! It took me about a half hour (It would take a decently skilled seamstress about 15 minutes..) and only required scissors, and a shirt! I am proud of me-self. NBD.
So! There ya go. Proof that I am decently crafty... VERY decently! But summer is going GREAT! Cierra just got married, and now I start a week of orientation.. and then one more week, then I'm home free!! Hope everyone is doing wonderfully!! Love you guys!! PEACE!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer so faaaaar.

WOW. I truly am ridiculously awful at blogging. I've decided to use more pictures and less words cause that will take A LOT less time. So summer has been good! Ok. So at the beginning of the summer I went on a cruise to Mehico. With my family. IT WAS SICK. It had some of the beach! Some mules! And some GREAT family time :) LATER Then some of my besties came down for a late b-day present :) There was DAAAANCIN'. Mulses and Cowboys ;) And a lot of (long distance?) LOVIN! LATER And my latest adventure was New York CITAY with some old friends and best friends :) This picture basically sums up the entire trip ;) SO there ya have it! There's my summer so far besides workin' and relatives and... Missing this kid! Everything is going lovely! I miss everybody! Hope your guys' summers are going great! PEACE!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ah life...

So... As you can probably tell I am the worst blogger of all time.I'm pretty content with that. Especially since the space bar onmy laptop is broken.So.... If you see any spacial mistakes, judge me. I'm too lazy to fix them by POUNDING on the space bar and inflicting further damage.

Where to start... The last couple of months have literally FLOWN by. I can see them flapping their wings away. Literally. I'm pretty sure I know why so lemme tell da staaarry.

Sooooooooooooooooooo.. Sometime in February (possibly February 10th?) I went to church with my dear roommate Shelbi. Our two other roommates were not home for this weekend (or working?.... THEY WERE WORKING.) After church I had the feeling that I should walk home. And I mean why not?? It was a BEAUTIFUL day and the ground was warm enough to take off my (Casey's) shoes! So I asked Shelbi if she would like to walk home, and we started our walk.
So in my apartment complex lives most of the sports players. Basketball, football, softball, and I'm sure some bowlers. There's one though that Shelbi had a observative crush (the one where you just think a kid is cute and have noticed that he's a sweetheart at times) on. He's a basketball player so we will call him basketball joe. THEN. My neighbor Kadee had a crush on this kid that we will call the Bolivian. He wasn't a sports player. He was just ma neighbor.
So while we were walking, we reached the overpass by my casa when suddenly a car pulled over! I looked, and it was BASKETBALL JOE!! He rolled down his window as the breeze blew his hair and said 6 magical words. "Do you guys want a ride?" Sure he called us guys but I wasn't about to let Shelb miss this opportunity so I shouted (almost violently) "SURE!!" So we hopped in the car, (shelbi in the frrrront)and rode home. When we got to our apartment Shelbi turned to me and said... "Should I invite him to dinner?" I said "sure! Why not?" Shelbi immediately ran to Kadee's apartment to tell her the news. I followed in heels and a dress with no jacket with my bra straps hanging. While I was "jogging/waddling" I noticed a couple holding hands, the guy had glasses and was wearing a shirt that was too big for him. BUT I paid no notice. I just threw in an awkward HI and kept running. When we told Kadee she asked "CAN I INVITE THE BOLIVIAN??" I told her (being the responsible douche bag) "Let's see if Basketball Joe and his roommates are coming, we won't have enough food for errybody." So Shelbi, Kadee, and I went and invited the basketball boys, Joe said "Some friends of mine where talking about having dinner tonight so I'll let you know!" We left, and waited. And he texted us saying he couldn't. So I told Kadee she could invite The Bolivian and his roommates. So we invited them and the Bolivian texted us later saying "Is it alright if Bryan brings his Lady friend?" None of us knew who that was so we said sure! When the time for dinner came The Bolivian, S(code name), and Bryan. No lady friend questionmark? So the night goes on and me and Bryan just clicked... It's not easy for me to talk to guys. Even if I've known them for a long long time. But Bryan? It was completely effortless. So that night I was thinking to myself and realizing "Eff. I can't like this kid, he's got a girlfriend." So. I blocked off those feelings. But for the rest of the week we (roommates) hung out with him and his roommates. Then we drove up North with him, me and him in the back, and Shelbi and Kadee up front. Bryan and I talked the WHOLE time. 4 hours up, and 4 hours back. But at the end of the ride Kadee (I don't remember why but it wasn't completely random.) shouted "WAIT, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" And Bryan said "No I don't?" After that I sent out a mass text saying "HE DOESN'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!" to the few that knew of my situation... The next week goes by and once again we've hung out every day. Involving long walks after hours ;) But nothing ever happened. UNTIL. Thursday night after our walk we were at ma front door and Bryan says "You wanna go to Chili's tomorrow night?" Because it was so late I couldn't really remember if I had anything that night so I told him maybe and that I'd let him know! (I would actually tell him no cause I had plans with roommates... awful right?) So. It's saturday night, he's got a lesson to teach the next day but we juuust keep talking. till about 3 am we were sitting on bar stools. Then we moved to the couch cause Bryan said, and I quote "my butt kills right now..." So we were talking till about 4, then he completely passed out. But then I started to, and just kept pulling my head up (I DIDN'T WANT THE AWKWARD SHOULDER THING OK??) But.. Eventually I gave in, and put my head on his shoulder, and he grabbed my hand :)
SO. That's how it all started. Bryan and I are still dating. He's such a great kid... I hate describing personalities and shiz not in person. So if you wanna know details about him come meet him yourself :) He means so much to me... It's scary cause yeah it's only been a month and a half but... He means A LOT to me :)

THERE'S MY LIFE RIGHT NOW... he's going to Alaska for the summer then I'm going to China so this is gonna be interesting but we'll see how it goes!! I'll try and keep blogging cause we know I'm gonna need it in the summer!! Love you guys. YA'LL ARE GREAT!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I fail at blogging.

Well once again I'm a major failure at blogging. Life catches up and I'm sorry that I forget to re-write my daily experiences erry day. So let me try again. I'll talk about my Christmas break.

Alrighty! So for those of you who don't know I was fortunate enough to get a job at Brianhead Resort. Which is basically the only ski resort for a few miles where RICH people come and make purchases that often exceed $100 like it's nothing. (seriously someone once paid over $1,000 without even thinking about it) PAY FOR MY TUITION RANDOM RICH STRANGER! Anyways. It's pretty great! The people that work there are all nice but the only problem is that this wonderful job prevented me from going home. FU Brianhead right? Right, well so for the first half of the break I spend every day working and having what fun I could! Really it wasn't too bad. Like I said the people are fun and really nice to work with! But as time went on my roommate Daysha developed a crush on this boy named Thomas (yeah I'm saying real names cause... I don't care why, just cause) but in the end Daysha and this boy ended up getting together! I'm literally SO happy for them cause they seem pretty happy but (yikes, background story comin) my other roommate Britany has a boyfriend already. Named Jameson. He's a pretty sweet kid and they're probably gonna get married. No biggy! But anyways so for the first 1/4 of the break I was just a third wheel with daysha. But for the rest of it? Yeah I was stuck being a fifth wheel. It's depressing but actually pretty funny haha! I'm used to being the third wheel, I hang out with guys, I don't date them. (But I'm not a lesbian?)

The middle of the break (Christmas) was the best. I was blessed enough to be able to go home for three days. Doesn't sound like a big deal but it was probably my favorite Christmas present. When I figured out that I was going to be able to go home for Christmas I decided to keep it a secret (besides telling my Dad in case the car broke down and I call my parents saying "yeah... I'm......................dead?" I'm not into surprise deaths.) So when I got home my mom's friend was just barely leaving so the door was still open so I booked it with my one suitcase and blanket behind my brothers car hoping my mom didn't see me (which she didn't cause I'm a friggin ninja) but when I walked up the walkway with the door open I'll never forget my Mom's face. She looked at me and said "What are you doing here??" and started tearing up. So that homecoming was a success :) after that my mom let me go see some of my friends (I had to be back in 2 hours for a family party) so I ran to as many friends houses as I could and had some great reactions :) Just thinking about them warms my heart. Not in a weird grandma way but in a "Oh I love my friends." way! IT MAKES SENSE OK?! anyways. Christmas Eve, and Christmas were so wonderful just because I got to be with my family. Leaving was a lot harder than I wanted it to be. But it was probably one of my most favorite Christmas's ever. Kind of a big deal!

Anyways so right now is the last day of the break and it was a Sunday. For some reason it was a really funny Sunday. At least to me it was! (Another background story.) So a long time ago this kid bore his testimony at Fast Sunday and I said to my roommates "Oh, he's cute!" So from those 3 words Jameson (my roommates boyfriend) decided I should marry the kid. Then Jameson told him about me, gave me his number and we texted for... about 5 minutes. But for a while there was gonna be a "date" but... it did not happen. Duh! We're in college, we don't have time to organize dates! Anyways so back to today at church. So the kid's name is Jaron and he's one of those kids who goes to church but if it's early is willing to sleep through and go to a later ward! Which isn't bad but just to say that I rarely saw him at church after the testimony meeting cause my church is at the awful time 9:00. But he was here today and... there was a lot of awkward eye contact! My favorite kind of awkward. Cause eye contact is just that "Oh, should I say hi? HI! (unacknowledged wave)" (awkward.) luckily there were no waves from either party so it was a neutral awkward eye contact. No hilarious waves! Then on top of that Britany pointed out a kid she said I'd be cute with so... Haha we'll see how that goes! But yeah. funny Sunday!
Well I'm excited to start classes up this semester and hopefully I'll meet some more people and make some more friends!!! I'm glad all my roommates are back home!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's been a while!

Oh hey!! So yeah I'm terrible at blogging if you can't tell... Basically I just haven't had much time, or I haven't thought about it, or I've had better things to do! (yiiiiikes) Right now I'm listening to some oldies on Pandora while sitting on my couch while my roommate Shelbi is sitting across from me.. my feet are under her blanket. Basically we could be playing footsie and NO ONE WOULD KNOW. Anyways. life. OK.. So life really has been pretty bland! nothing too big! Lots of homework, and I'm in two scenes for a directing 1 class! One is good, the other is sketchy.. just cause it's comedic and I dislike that sometimes... but the other one is pretty intense and I can't wait to see where it goes! I haven't auditioned for much lately just because I have to write a friggin 10 page paper on Affirmative Action that's due in a week.. and I've only got one page written... yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
BUT GOOD NEWS!!! I GOT A JOB!! I'm officially working in the ticket sales/reservations at Brianhead ski resort!! Perks to that: I get a free pass, I get paid money, I meet new people, and I get free day passes for people! Downs to that: basically I won't be able to go home for Christmas break... or any break for that matter. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get a job in the summer up here working in a restaurant or something so that I can just have that job for the entire year! But I'm super psyched about Brianhead!!
Ok so relationship update... there is none haha! I'm still single!! But my roommates "friend" is trying to set me up with a basketball player so we'll see how that goes!!
But.. yeah that's basically what my life has been besides some random weekends full of crazy nephew's (whom I love), and OH for halloween I was a nerd. It was fun. Plus I had to help out with the Howl at SUU and basically sat in a chair watching a lot of mostly naked people dancing on top of eachother while telling dumb people that they had to use the other exit for 4 hours until 1 am. IN THE MORNING. But it was an entertaining experience!! I'm honestly glad it happened and I had fun!! But mostly not much has happened! Sorry that I took so long to blog and I'll try to pick it up again!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

24 hours of theater.

OK... So...... this is gonna be a short blog. Because I REFUSE to go into too much detail about this. If you want to know the full details just text me, haha depending on who you are I may not tell you.

Well my friend James and I signed up for this 24 hour theater thing. Basically what that is is a group of actors/writers/directors sign up, and then meet on a Friday, and then they're put into groups (7 in this case). One writer, one director and the number of actors varied... It was mostly just under 10 people. Then the actors/directors/writers go home! The writers stay up all night and at 6 am turn in a short scene they typed up. Roughly 10 minutes long! Then actors and directors show up, read the script and get to work! The shows are put on that night! So me and James were (completely randomly) put into a group together! The rehearsals happened, and the show went great! Like I said I'm not gonna go into detail unless you ask me over text or phone call or in person or whatever.
.....I'll just say that I'm exceptionally happy that it's over and that I never have to do that particular scene again!

College is going great and homework is not too bad!!
Peace and Love!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Weekend of Labor.

Yeah the title? Not what it sounds like! SOOOOO. This LABOR DAY weekend I came home to good old ClEaNyStOoRnED Utah!!! (edited because I realize that there are stalkers in the world... cough cough SHELBY cough cough.....) It was quite a fun weekend! I is not gonna lie!!

So. The Friday of Labor day was spent in a car. Well most of it. My ROOMmate Shelbi's brother Brady (who attends SUU) owns a car! So they both were gonna head to their humble abode and Shelbi asked if I wanted a ride back North! So of course I said yes! So the day comes and as we're putting stuff in the car, Shelbi's brother is talking on the phone about "we'll be there in a minute... call us when you know you can come... and so on." So I asked Shelbi about this and found out (to my GREAT surprise) that we would be having one of Brady's old mission companions in the car with us. So. We picked up the mission companion... Yeah that was interesting. Within 5 minutes he had hit on both me and Shelbi. Freaking Ridiculous. Plus I was reading Richard III. When I want to read, I READ. I don't be social. I plug in my Ipod and I read. Rude of me I know but he was bugging ok!! But even with the clear signs I was giving him, he kept grabbing my leg and going IS THE BOOK GOOD?!?! or. YOU'RE FUNNY. I LIKE YOU. or. (this was my favorite) WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES???? YEP. interesting. But entertaining. So I arrived home safely!! But even when I was gone the relentless youth said "SHE WAS REAL CUTE." yikes. Anyways, when I got home and walked in the doors I honestly teared up. I miss my home smell. Sounds weird but it's true. At the close of that Friday my family took me to a lovely dinner at Pizzeria (in Ogden) which is LITERALLY the best pizza in Utah. IT'S BETTER THAN THE PIE. But over all, Friday was FFFFFantastic!

Saturday... Saturday was an errand day mostly! It was spent with my parents going around town getting my pupils measure (for my future new glasses that I'm stoked for.) and grocery shopping (I didn't need much.. yikes.). But the end of it was spent with an exceptionally great friend of mine. Ms. Niki Waite. Niki is a year older than me and is a Musical Theater Major at Weber State University (I hope her stalkers read this.) Basically it was spent talking. Just talking. But she did buy me a Red Mango (LAAAATE Birthday present.) Basically I asked her about some advice about my future. (Whether or not I should go into acting) She gave me some great advice which I won't go into. But yes. She's one of my dear best friends and I'd be screwed in life without her. JUST SAYING.


OOOK. so. For a quick background check, and for those of you that don't know, I'M LDS. (latter day saint) and I'm LOVING it. I also have an incredible Bishop. He helped me through some great trials in my life. This past Sunday was full of testimonies and tears. The Bishopric is being released! After serving us all for 5 years it's over.. Weird to think about right? But yeah everyone was crying and it was depressing. AFTER CHURCH. Well. One of my other best friends (who I literally consider my sister, not just cause of her but I'm pretty close with her family.. I hope I can say that. I think I am? If I'm not this is awkward!) who goes to BYU invited me to her humble abode to hang out for a little! (oh it's McCall Simmons... just so ya know?) So I was going to hang out for about an hour roughly and ended up being there for three hours. Haha! ACCIDENTAL. We hung out with McCall's neighbor Katie. Who is FANTASTIC. She had so many videos that she made while on some..... stuff! (LEGAL STUFF.) Before the first video had been going for 10 seconds we were all gut laughing. GREAT STUFF. And by the end of the night we were good friends! Plus Katie has... a grrrreat family! No joke.. Some of her specific family members are..... sweet! After we left Katie's house we went to McCall's to play a game.. That I can't remember the name of. Basically it's a fantastically addicting card game that I suck at (for the moment.). It was an incredible night full of laughs and love. McCall's family is incredible and will be there for me if I ever need them. THEY'RE GREAT.

THE FINAL DAY. (...Monday...)

Ok! So Monday was a day FULL of emotions. But it was a wonderful day. And I'm not just saying that. Monday morning me and McCall met up with a dear friend of ours who was our old Theater teacher! Mrs. Andra Thorne! She never signed my yearbook. And that HAD to be fixed. So the plan was to meet at Yogotogo at 9:00 (cause that's what time the internet said it opened!) So I was the first one to get there and looky at that IT WAS CLOSED. Didn't open until 11:00. So because my phone was dead (forgot my charger at Cedar) I couldn't call Mccall or Andra and tell them! So I figured I'd just wait. Well while waiting the man who owns Yogotogo (and who's daughter was in Musical Productions with me and McCall) came and went in the lovely shop and took out these three chairs that sit outside when it's opened! So I was like.. "Is it opening early cause of Labor Day?" POSSIBLY. So McCall came and we discussed that we should go in! We went to open the door... and it was locked. Disappointing. BUT. Then the owner comes up and is like "What are you two doing here??" So we told him that we were meeting Andra here and that we thought it opened earlier! Well this guy.. is an extremely nice man. So he let me and McCall come inside to just hang out and wait for Andra. So we did! Then Andra came and we all got caught up on life and stuff! Then the owner was like "I got everything set up! You guys can get some Yogo if you want!" So McCall and I went, filled out cups, and went to pay. You know what he said? "It's on me!! College student discount." YEAH. FREE YOGOTOGO!!! Best day ever and it was only 10:00 in the morning!! So while eating Yogo I talked to Andra about my future. I want to go into acting. But I don't. I have NO clue what to do!! So Andra asked me a couple of questions "Will you regret it?" duh. "Will you always wonder what would've happened?" yep. THEN DO IT. So through her advice, and the advice of Niki, and the advice of my sister-in-law Casey... I've decided I'm going to major in Acting. BAM! ROASTED. I'm taking a Intro to Public Relations class next semester so if I like that (people have told me I'd be good at that) then I'll double major!! I'm glad that I'm done with worrying... Yay! Anyways. So yeah not only did I get a free yogo. PLUS direction of my future. BUT. The owner pops out and is like help yourselves to another one!! YEAH. TWO FREE YOGOS IN ONE MORNING!! Great morning. But Andra's need to be a mother caused that she had to go home, plus my family wanted to go to lunch! So we said our goodbyes and left. GREAT MORNING. So before lunch I got my paycheck from good old Cherry HELL, and saw some old friends of mine! Great people. Then we went to Mandrin Palace. Which is magical cause you get a ton of food for 5$. AWESOME. Then when we were done I waited a few hours and got a ride back with Shelbi, and her brother! The RM was not there! (heh heh thank GOODNESS.) We arrived home around 10:00. It was a great weekend and I'm so lucky I got to go home and see my family. Well... that's the end of my weekend. Peace out!!

PS. I asked my (current) theater teacher if the man who played Richard in Richard III was gay... you know what she said?? HE'S NOT. AND. HE'S SINGLE. So I can day dream without feeling completely wrong. James wasn't nearly as excited about it as me... I wonder why???