Sunday, January 8, 2012

I fail at blogging.

Well once again I'm a major failure at blogging. Life catches up and I'm sorry that I forget to re-write my daily experiences erry day. So let me try again. I'll talk about my Christmas break.

Alrighty! So for those of you who don't know I was fortunate enough to get a job at Brianhead Resort. Which is basically the only ski resort for a few miles where RICH people come and make purchases that often exceed $100 like it's nothing. (seriously someone once paid over $1,000 without even thinking about it) PAY FOR MY TUITION RANDOM RICH STRANGER! Anyways. It's pretty great! The people that work there are all nice but the only problem is that this wonderful job prevented me from going home. FU Brianhead right? Right, well so for the first half of the break I spend every day working and having what fun I could! Really it wasn't too bad. Like I said the people are fun and really nice to work with! But as time went on my roommate Daysha developed a crush on this boy named Thomas (yeah I'm saying real names cause... I don't care why, just cause) but in the end Daysha and this boy ended up getting together! I'm literally SO happy for them cause they seem pretty happy but (yikes, background story comin) my other roommate Britany has a boyfriend already. Named Jameson. He's a pretty sweet kid and they're probably gonna get married. No biggy! But anyways so for the first 1/4 of the break I was just a third wheel with daysha. But for the rest of it? Yeah I was stuck being a fifth wheel. It's depressing but actually pretty funny haha! I'm used to being the third wheel, I hang out with guys, I don't date them. (But I'm not a lesbian?)

The middle of the break (Christmas) was the best. I was blessed enough to be able to go home for three days. Doesn't sound like a big deal but it was probably my favorite Christmas present. When I figured out that I was going to be able to go home for Christmas I decided to keep it a secret (besides telling my Dad in case the car broke down and I call my parents saying "yeah... I'm......................dead?" I'm not into surprise deaths.) So when I got home my mom's friend was just barely leaving so the door was still open so I booked it with my one suitcase and blanket behind my brothers car hoping my mom didn't see me (which she didn't cause I'm a friggin ninja) but when I walked up the walkway with the door open I'll never forget my Mom's face. She looked at me and said "What are you doing here??" and started tearing up. So that homecoming was a success :) after that my mom let me go see some of my friends (I had to be back in 2 hours for a family party) so I ran to as many friends houses as I could and had some great reactions :) Just thinking about them warms my heart. Not in a weird grandma way but in a "Oh I love my friends." way! IT MAKES SENSE OK?! anyways. Christmas Eve, and Christmas were so wonderful just because I got to be with my family. Leaving was a lot harder than I wanted it to be. But it was probably one of my most favorite Christmas's ever. Kind of a big deal!

Anyways so right now is the last day of the break and it was a Sunday. For some reason it was a really funny Sunday. At least to me it was! (Another background story.) So a long time ago this kid bore his testimony at Fast Sunday and I said to my roommates "Oh, he's cute!" So from those 3 words Jameson (my roommates boyfriend) decided I should marry the kid. Then Jameson told him about me, gave me his number and we texted for... about 5 minutes. But for a while there was gonna be a "date" but... it did not happen. Duh! We're in college, we don't have time to organize dates! Anyways so back to today at church. So the kid's name is Jaron and he's one of those kids who goes to church but if it's early is willing to sleep through and go to a later ward! Which isn't bad but just to say that I rarely saw him at church after the testimony meeting cause my church is at the awful time 9:00. But he was here today and... there was a lot of awkward eye contact! My favorite kind of awkward. Cause eye contact is just that "Oh, should I say hi? HI! (unacknowledged wave)" (awkward.) luckily there were no waves from either party so it was a neutral awkward eye contact. No hilarious waves! Then on top of that Britany pointed out a kid she said I'd be cute with so... Haha we'll see how that goes! But yeah. funny Sunday!
Well I'm excited to start classes up this semester and hopefully I'll meet some more people and make some more friends!!! I'm glad all my roommates are back home!