OK. So this is my first blog... EVER. If it's sketchy don't judge me. I can't write, sometimes I don't capitalize letters, sometimes I'm not grammatically correct and we all know it so we'll all just have to live with it!
So college started. I'll start with that! So when I first moved up to Cedar City (I attend SUU in case you didn't know) I lived with my brother and sister (in law) for a couple of days! I lived with them longer than I planned on. (which I am extremely grateful for.) Mostly because I was scared to move and be alone.. Seriously what if my room mates were psycho?! It was just scary and I wasn't ready. When I did move in though I remember my brother Brock helping me move everything in (which for the moment was just a suitcase and a couple of boxes)and when we were done he gave me a hug and I almost started crying. (I cry REALLY easily by the way. Good movie. Good book. Good story. I WEEP) But yeah I was about to cry BUT I held my tears cause I feel like Brock would've thought I was crazy. So while holding in my tears I met my room mates Daysha, Britany, and Mia (Shelbi my ROOM mate came later. She's incredibly nice and generous and I'm lucky to have her as my friend and room mate!). All of them are so cool and I am SO lucky (and happy) none of them are psycho! So my first day on my own as alright! Just a little stressful but still, it wasn't too bad! I'm taking this whole blog thing in sections.
In college I'm honestly not extremely social. KIDDING. I'm awesome. KIDDING. But really I've met a ton of new people and so far all of them are awesome! I'm in a group called SUUSA where we focus on students getting involved in school with clubs and games and stuff like that! There are so many people and some cute guys to! At "Flight School" (which was a couple of weeks ago) we had a dance on the Saturday of that week. Lemme tell ya there were some hotties. Especially this one kid. BEAUTIFUL. Yeah I could've made out with him and not felt bad about it AT ALL. So me and my roomies danced the night away and got ready for school the next Monday! The first week of college honestly wasn't too bad! I mean home work sucks and the stupid required university classes are NOT worth the money or the time but most of my classes are interesting and fun! I'm taking Psychology which is SO interesting so far except I have to write a paper and research a bunch of stuff. Then I'm taking Institute which I so far love! My class has one of those kids who answer EVERYTHING and it all goes right over my head. I'm also taking an American Government class. I'll admit it's extremely interesting but whenever my teacher mentions this bill, or that bill, or this law I really have NO clue what he's talking about and everyone around me nods in understanding. It's pretty awkward for me but hopefully I'll get the hang of it! After that class it's time for my Theater class! Which so far I partially love. The teacher is great! But some of the students... Well they're all extremely nice but they're also the definition of why people think theater kids are obnoxious. That sounds awful but you all know exactly what kind of person I'm talking about! Don't deny it! My last class is a leadership class. I thought that class would be fun and it is! But because of the people. The work is terrible. My professor told us all that he was going to grade us really hard at first so that we'll build good work ethics and keep our grades up. AKA. Bull shiznick. It's more him saying I'm going to grade you hard so that you fail this class! It's interesting but I'm getting the hang of it! The Saturday of my first week there was an 80's dance. Freaking awesome. My awesome sister helped me get ready so that I looked legit (she wanted to give me a fake mullet. I refused that. I may be a hippy bum but I have standards) I learned something from that dance though. Never wear a velvet (although it was awesome) dress to a dance. I was sweating so badly it was DISGUSTING. When I went to the dance my hair was crimped. When I left it was straight. THAT'S HOW WET MY HAIR WAS.
SHAKESPEARE. As some of you know SUU has the Utah Shakespeare Festival every year. This year the shows are Richard III, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo & Juliet. Me, Shelbi, and my friend James went to see every show.
Richard III
INCREDIBLE. I've never been more blown away by any Shakespeare play. But I haven't seen that many so I can't say that much. It was INCREDIBLE. Literally that's all I can say! The man who played Richard was a BABE. Although he was a psycho. There was a hot make out moment involving Richard. All of the actors were brilliant. The man who played Richard (although hot) "seemed like a douche" as my friend James said. I had to slightly agree with him. I can't really explain WHY but.. Just a gut feeling. My senior year of High School I was in a Shakespeare scene from Richard III. When that scene came up I stopped breathing. But I couldn't stop moving. I would lean forward in my seat, and then lean back. Not in a constant motion cause then I'd seem nuts. But it was incredible. The actress who played Margaret was fantastic. She OWNED that role. So over all Richard was probably my favorite of the three. Although Midsummer is RIGHT behind it.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
This play was HILARIOUS. I have never laughed so hard in a show in my entire life! There were a couple of actors that bugged me but over all they were all perfect for their parts! Especially the man who played Oberon. WINK. Guess who? Yep. The man who played Richard. Aka Mr. Beautiful smile. The only problem was when he was in his Oberon costume he.... wore tight pants. and a tight shirt. The tight shirt thing was GREAT. The tight pants? Not so much. (I'm about to get disgustingly graphic) There was no bulge. No clue how they did that! But he'd always seem to be thrusting forward. Just how he was standing. But he was also around 7 feet. Not even joking! He seemed HUGE as Oberon compared to him being Richard. Once again shows his brilliance. But that show was full of hilarious innuendo and a moment that suggested that Oberon (richard... yeah whatever) was gay. SERIOUSLY?! It really could've just been a joke. In fact I'm just going to believe it was a joke. But he just did something that suggested it, but it was HILARIOUS. That play was HILARIOUS.
Romeo & Juliet
Ah Romeo, Romeo. Romeo was HOT. In my way.. I have a unique taste. I'm attracted to a lot of types of men but there are some that just catch my eye. Romeo was one of them. PLUS he didn't give off the gay vibe AT ALL. Which is a huge plus!! But Juliet... She was.. obnoxious. I thought she played a convincing 14 year old. But not a convincing 14 year old in love. That's the problem with this play. R&J meet and instantly fall in love... It's romantic but so unrealistic!! That's why I liked Romeo though. He made it seemed like he'd known her for a while! While Juliet played the typical Juliet.. I give credit to most of the actors. They did an incredible job! It's just not my favorite Shakespeare! There was one moment however that I really liked that I've never seen in any other version of R&J. (SPOILER?) So after Romeo has killed himself with poison, Juliet wakes up from her "sleeping death" and sees him and sees the vial the poison was in and realizes that he poisoned himself right? Well then she kisses him to see if there's any left over poison. Well after that she shouted "His lips are warm!" and Romeo sat up GASPING. He opened his eyes and saw her, and then fell back down dead. Yeah, I did NOT see that coming. That kind of jostled me not gonna lie! (But I didn't cry.) But yeah basically Romeo was attractive, and knew what he was doing. I liked parts of the play but not all of it.
So there's my Shakespeare experience so far! It isn't the end either! Honestly seeing these shows has piqued my interest in going into acting again... But I'm torn just because (IN THE DISTANT FUTURE) I want to get married and have kids. Acting is an extremely busy life that doesn't have much time for family... I don't know what to do! If I did go into acting I'd want to do Shakespeare because I MISS IT. Plus I love Shakespeare... I am conflicted about my future. But I have some time to decide! Plus my theater teacher is forcing us to audition for at least one show! So we'll see how that goes!! Well school is great and homework sucks! So I better get on my Psychology homework! Peace out!